“One green and speckled frog, sat on a speckled log”…Sorry that song always pops into my head whenever I hear the word “froggy”, thanks to my 15 month old daughter and her obsession with the Netflix show “Little Baby Bum” (If you know, you know)
“One green and speckled frog, sat on a speckled log”…Sorry that song always pops into my head whenever I hear the word “froggy”, thanks to my 15 month old daughter and her obsession with the Netflix show “Little Baby Bum” (If you know, you know)
Clouds and stars and glitter…oh MY!
Just a little love note for my future family clients Hi there! You will probably hear me say this a bunch by the time we start shooting, but…
Just a little love note for my future family clients Hi there! You will probably hear me say this a bunch by the time we start shooting, but…
While we might be quick to wave BUH BYE! to 2021, there were many beautiful moments, miracles, kindness shown, children grown and lessons learned! The lesson I think we learned as a whole most of all is that we are resilient!